Friday, May 15, 2020

Track Your (Deep Work) Hours

Track Your (Deep Work) Hours
In his great book Deep Work, Cal Newport talked about two types of work: the
shallow work and the Deep Work.
The shallow work is busywork like processing emails, and other related tasks, that
make us look productive, but which isn’t necessarily the case.
On the other hand, there is the most important work that moves your career (and even
your life) forward. It’s the type of work, when practiced on a regular basis, that gives
you the competitive advantage of mastering something and rising above the average
performers. In essence, that’s what Deep Work is all about.
To understand how you spend your days and how much Deep Work there is in it, you
have to ask these two important questions:

 How did you spend your day?
 How many hours of which task did you focus on during the work day?
 How many hours of your work were focused on the Deep Work?
If you don’t know the answers to those three questions, your workday becomes like a
big black hole, where every task just disappears.
To fix this, you should have some sort of tracking in place to see how you spent your
work days. This can be done in a form of a Deep Work log. This log is nothing but a
simple spreadsheet, where you write down some basic information of the things you
 Today’s date
 How many hours total you had available for Deep Work
 How much Deep Work you did
 The actual tasks you worked on
 Weekly Insights (once per week)
 Total number of Deep Work hours in a week
 When you look at your Deep Work log, the results can be pretty eye-opening.
For starters, if you are really honest about your time usage (and you really should,
because otherwise there is no point of logging these things), you’ll start to see how
your days were spent.
Once you know how much time you spent on important work during the day, you can
start improving your conditions, especially if this figure is low. There are two ways to
do this.
First, take a look at your daily log entry and try to understand which conditions lead
to this particular number of hours of Deep Work.
For instance, perhaps there were plenty of interruptions, so you weren’t able to
handle your work as usual. In this case, find out if there are any ways you could
prevent these interruptions happening in the future.
Also take note of those days when you got plenty of Deep Work done. Perhaps you
could replicate the settings for this kind of a day again tomorrow?
Second, take a look at all the entries at the end of the week and gain some insights on
what you should continue doing and what you should stop doing the next week. Then
write these findings to your Weekly Insights column.
For instance, I noticed that I become super-productive when I work while commuting
(I go to work by bus), so this is definitely something I’ll continue doing in the future,

The enemy of the Deep Work is the shallow work. Unfortunately we just can’t erase
it completely, so we should try to minimize it as much as possible. This could happen
by scheduling your email checking times and keep to that boundary, or by working
remotely from home, if possible.
The more time you spend on doing the Deep Work, more likely you’ll start seeing
satisfactory results, either in your career, in your personal life, or both. And to spend
more time on Deep Work, you should know first know how you spend your days.
That’s why the daily tracking is so important.
Action Steps:
 Create a simple spreadsheet to track your Deep Work hours.
 Update the spreadsheet every day to see how much Deep Work you did during
the day.
 In the spreadsheet, include things like the date, how many hours you worked,
how many total hours you had available for Deep Work and what tasks you
 Analyze the log entries every day and at the end of the week to see how you
can improve your work next week.

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