Wednesday, September 11, 2019

RONALDOOO !! �� Lit vs Por 1-5 All Goals & Highlights 10/09/2019 HD

As great as CR7's masterclass performance was, look at this upcoming Portuguese team - Bernardo Silva, Joao Cancelo, Ruben Neves, Joao Felix. A new golden generation of players is coming for Portugal! After 34 is not old ,look at the age of Italy players who won there last world cup..

first the team Portugal played not good He was frustrated the first half he missed lots of chances Ronaldo,it’s very open game Lithuania defense was struggling lots of chances for everyone in Portugal..he’s second goal was funny thow but in the second half he did wat he does best,he went balls deep in Lithuania,busting all kinds of nuts.. I didn't see the good combination between Joao Felix and Ronaldo .... When Ronaldo started with Luis Figo he involved in everything but.... 140£ makes him ..."I am felix I don't neet to give a shit " πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ lol son first learn something from your Boss then ...rule over the whole world your captain πŸ‘️ Look at Bernardo Silva's performance.He is consistent every game but yet Portuguese player of the year award went to Ronaldo. Guess it's popularity contest and no longer performance.

ArgΠ΅ntΡ–nΠ° vs MΠ΅xΡ–cΠΎ 4−0 Highlights & Goals | Resumen y Goles (11/09/2019)

I dont know if Mexico was too easy or this is the best Argentina team i've seen to date. look how organized they look wow,argentina😍😍 Its good enough to play without messi also😍😍 Miss messi very much😘😘 If Messi plays they might even not draw. its better without Messi.

 This game seems to be like the old Argentina. Good fighting spirit from the argentines but if they have the king they don't put effort at all they all seat back and want him to carry the whole loads, I think king Messi should resign so that they can wake up and play just like this Argentina is the only team in the world that makes their best player in the world a failure in the international stage. The problem with Argentina is never Messi. Let's say it like it is , as people who know what football is , the problem was all the other centre forwards but Messi. As Coach I want to clear this up ! Football is a game of chances the team that takes their chances wins. #WordUp

តោះស្រីαŸ—αž™ើαž„ αž“αžšαžŽាខ្αž›ះមិαž“αž’្αž›ាαž”់ទើαž„αž—្αž“ំហើαž™αž˜ាαž“αž‚αž˜្រោαž„αž‘ើαž„αž—្αž“ំ

តោះស្រីαŸ—αž™ើαž„ αž“αžšαžŽាខ្αž›ះមិαž“αž’្αž›ាαž”់ទើαž„αž—្αž“ំហើαž™αž˜ាαž“αž‚αž˜្រោαž„αž‘ើαž„αž—្αž“ំ។ αž‘ាំαž„αž“េះαž‡ាαž€ាαžšαž…ែαž€αžšំαž›ែαž€αž”αž‘αž–ិសោαž’αž“៍ αž›ើαž€αž‘ី៑ទើαž„αž—្αž“ំ(αž—្αž“ំខ្αž“αž„αž•្សា) αž‘ី៑. ដើម្αž”ីαž†ាαž”់αž”ាαž“αž‘ៅαžŠαž›់αž“...