Wednesday, August 7, 2019

"You Will Never Be Poor Again" | START DOING THIS TODAY!!!

As a 25 year old teacher in a public school system, I get hired to teach high school summer ECON. I could follow the state guidelines but I don’t. I teach basic real estate, I teach financial literacy/banking, I teach loans and interest. I use myself as an example (my mistakes in college/money). Students always leave and thank me for insight...

continue investing my friends. Hope you all live long and prosperous lives. LETS GET THIS MONEY Awesome video really like your integrity! Sorry for sharing this site here PaidFast100 .Com (remove space) however it has really helped me a lot and if it can help a minimum of one more individual I do believe it's worth it. Its interesting when he said that we are afraid of making mistakes. I feel like this is the fundamental thing they teach children in school by giving them ds and fs for making mistakes. I feel like we have been socially engineered to fear mistakes becuase of how we were conditioned. Learn the difference between assets and liabilities. liability, if the cash is flowing out of your pocket asset, if the cash is flowing into your pocket 3 kinds of income : Earned portfolio passive • Instead of saying "I can't do it", you should say "how can I do it" • "If you learn never to work for money, you will be a rich man."

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តោះស្រីៗយើង នរណាខ្លះមិនធ្លាប់ឡើងភ្នំហើយមានគម្រោងឡើងភ្នំ

តោះស្រីៗយើង នរណាខ្លះមិនធ្លាប់ឡើងភ្នំហើយមានគម្រោងឡើងភ្នំ។ ទាំងនេះជាការចែករំលែកបទពិសោធន៍ លើកទី១ឡើងភ្នំ(ភ្នំខ្នងផ្សា) ទី១. ដើម្បីឆាប់បានទៅដល់ន...