A ‘Manual Call Point’ is a device which enables personnel to raise an alarm in the event of a fire
incident by pressing a frangible element to activate the alarm system.
Manual Call Points should be installed at a height of 1.2m above floor level at easily accessible, conspicuous positions, on exit routes, at the entry floor landings of staircases and at all exits to the open air.
Manual Call Points should be spaced so that one may always be found within a maximum distance of 45m apart or 25m for disabled person.
incident by pressing a frangible element to activate the alarm system.
Manual Call Points should be installed at a height of 1.2m above floor level at easily accessible, conspicuous positions, on exit routes, at the entry floor landings of staircases and at all exits to the open air.
Manual Call Points should be spaced so that one may always be found within a maximum distance of 45m apart or 25m for disabled person.